American Shooter Alternative: Direct to Defensive Shooting


Urgent, intuitive defensive shooting, for students who need immediate training with their personal defense firearms and are unable to attend the full American Shooter Core Curriculum.


$654 for up to 4 students

If you do not have the resources to progress through the full American Shooter core curriculum, and you need training urgently in the safe and effective use of your defensive weapon, AS can accommodate you.  This is not ideal, of course, and it is always better to grow into your shooting skills and personal shooting culture naturally, along the path described by the full AS curriculum.  Sometimes life is not ideal, though.  Sometimes it comes at you fast.  American Shooter can help you get up to speed, comfortable, and safe with your defensive firearm or a common defensive firearm, while ensuring that you avoid bad (or dangerous) habits and are prepared at your convenience to go back and learn a more traditional foundation.

In this course you will learn the Fundamentals of Safe Gun Ownership and Handling, the habits which will keep you safe and in control of your firearm, and the basics of defensive dynamic shooting with a focus on simple concepts and intuitive body movements.

You will need:

  • A semi-automatic pistol, preferably striker fired, chambered for a cartridge you can shoot efficiently.  .22 Long Rifle is welcome and encouraged.  9x19mm is typical.  (AS can provide.)
  • A carbine or modern sporting rifle, semi-automatic, chambered for a cartridge you can shoot efficiently.  .22 Long Rifle is welcome and encouraged.  5.56x45mm is typical.  (AS can provide.)
  • .22 Long Rifle ammunition (400 rounds)
  • Ammunition for your pistol (100 rounds)  (9x19mm if using AS pistol)
  • Ammunition for your rifle (100 rounds)  (5.56x45mm if using AS rifle)
  • Eye protection  (Your instructor can provide loaner eye-pro if necessary)
  • Ear protection  (You may purchase foam earplugs if necessary)


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