American Shooter: Strategies for Personal Protection


American Shooter: Strategies for Personal Protection, non-shooting course in creating a personal framework for safety and self-defense in your daily life.


$164 for up to four students

You have heard it said that a gun is a tool, not a talisman.  It is not the solution to your self-defense needs, but just one component (if a pivotal one) of your overall strategy for personal protection.  If you do not know how to move, how to communicate, how to assess risk and make risk-management decisions, and how to be in control of your life, a gun will not help you.  If you do know these things, then the right gun, paired with the right shooting skills, will elevate your personal protection strategies to a higher level.  This course is focused on that greater framework.

This is a non-shooting course which can be taken before, during, or after the AS core shooting curriculum.  Strategies for Personal Protection focuses on all of the aspects of self-defense and personal protection, inside and outside your home, other than self-defense with a firearm.  The course will cover topics such as home security and emergency action planning, awareness and decision-making in and out of the home, reactions to a threatening situation, and how to integrate self-defense tools, skills, and attitude into your daily life.  If you have already taken any of American Shooter’s Defensive Shooting courses, then this course will integrate your shooting knowledge into your personal protection plan.  If you are not trained in firearm use, this course will focus on your options for personal protection other than a firearm, as well as show you how a firearm and shooting skill fits into a complete personal protection strategy.


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