Fingerprints of the Devil: Human Sacrifice

The other sign of true evil in human society, in the body politic and in individual lives, is the prevalence of and instinct for human sacrifice. What else but a living Satan could explain the tendency of human beings not otherwise guided to drive every problem toward a solution involving human sacrifice? Again, it’s easiest…

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Fingerprints of the Devil: Inversion

There are many evils in the world, but there are a few which are so perfectly perverse that they argue for the existence of Pure Evil, of perfect rebellion against Absolute Good. I call these the fingerprints of the Devil. The easiest of these to recognize is inversion. An evil person–or rather, the evil in…

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Responsibility by Past Potential

Following on the previous thought, a point needs to be emphasized: If you had the potential to affect what happens, then you have responsibility for what happens. A woman is raped on a train, and the bystanders stand by, a few of them filming it. One calls 9-1-1. None dare intervene. “I’m not trained for…

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