Fingerprints of the Devil: Human Sacrifice

The other sign of true evil in human society, in the body politic and in individual lives, is the prevalence of and instinct for human sacrifice. What else but a living Satan could explain the tendency of human beings not otherwise guided to drive every problem toward a solution involving human sacrifice?

Again, it’s easiest to see in politics, where summing and averaging of human behaviors heightens their underlying guiding dynamics. Look at the political scene, problem by problem, and observe how every faction which is not Christian or otherwise Liberal (in the classic sense) immediately jumps to a solution involving human sacrifice. This is not a rare thing, or a reluctant thing. They go immediately there, in every case. Geriatric care burdens? Euthanasia. Chronic disease suffering? Euthanasia. Global pandemic? Lockdowns, supply chain disruptions which will cause starvation, deaths from loss of medical services, etc. Necessary sacrifices. An experimental vaccine which will, with absolute certainty, kill a few of those who take it? Shall be universally mandated, and those who die are the necessary sacrifices. Climate change? Shut down the use of fossil fuels and factory farming, necessarily killing millions, beginning with the world’s poorest. Necessary sacrifices. Ultimately, reduce the human population. Poverty? Redistribute wealth by law. Those who resist will be shot, but they are the necessary sacrifices. Sexual freedom? The sacrifice of the children, both the unborn and the living. Medical advancement? Stem cells–and not adult stem cells, mind you. Those simply won’t do. Must be embryonic.

“Necessary sacrifices.” This is the phrase they use. They are always ready to execute the necessary sacrifices to stave off their fears. The good of the many outweighs the good of the few, which is why the wise are always qualified to make the decision that a few will have to die, and their deaths will be for the greater good.

At the individual level, we call this psychopathology. An inability to see the “little people” as having any value except as necessary sacrifices for one’s own survival.

Go ahead and ask around. See if the solutions commonly given to society’s problems don’t eventually boil down to some necessary sacrifice.

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