IQ and anger

Jordan Peterson apparently once said that angry people demonstrate lower IQ, or something to that effect.  I didn’t hear him say it; I only know this much because I once observed a man to complain that he occasionally experienced anger, and to his mind Jordan Peterson was saying he was less intelligent for that reason, and that made him angry.

Then again, IQ is a measure of a person’s ability to demonstrate applied intelligence (i.e., to solve problems of a certain kind with one’s brain), and so if Peterson did make the claim that angry people have lower IQ, he would be asserting that anger interferes with the ability of a person to apply his mental faculties to the solving of problems.  People who readily entertain anger, then, would demonstrate applied intelligence less frequently.  Which would mean that Peterson wasn’t necessarily implying that this man had less potential for intelligence; only that his anger was interfering with his ability to use his intelligence.  If he had taken a moment to think about what Jordan Peterson had said, then, he might not have been nearly so offended, and might not have found himself with reason to get so angry.

Of course, he was too busy being angry to give any serious thought to what Peterson had said, so he didn’t understand it, thereby proving Peterson’s point.

Funny how things work out.

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